Are you encountering issue in opening google play store application in your smartphone or opening the play store website in your phone? You might be of course if you have opened this page via search.
You are not only the one who is getting server error while opening the google play store application, but there are like numerous others encountering the same issue. As, there is server issue on the website.
You can check the website for more information about the down time of google play store app.
The issue started appearing after 9PM GMT +5:30. It can go by it self as it is only server issue. So, don’t worry if you are among those getting the server error while trying to open the google play store application.
Website is working pretty fine, however, the issue is persisting on the application. Even the website is not loading sometimes. You can keep up to date with the downdetector and stay relaxed as nothing has happened to your Google Play store.